I open this
blog/conversation/vent with an outline of the primary role of the
blog, which is, to place on the public record something of the horror
Fairfield Uniting Church has become. I am doing it now, in this
manner, as a last resort; as the ‘pursuit by conventional means’
has proven it not possible to adequately address critical issues.
Importantly, it is
to place on the public record an historical/time link to the current
leaders of Fairfield Uniting and the wider Uniting Church in
Australia. Doing so will ensure the actions of those leaders, (who
are responsible), will not, in the future, be apportioned to other
than those directly involved and those, who may continue to allow the
practices of the current Fairfield Uniting leadership to continue
without change, apology and or restitution. It will also prevent
those same leaders distancing themselves from the truth and or to
attempt to change or distort the facts.
Of greater
importance though is to make an example of Fairfield Uniting: a
warning to other (Uniting) Churches, leaders and congregations; an
example of how a congregation should not function!
As part of the ‘make
an example of them approach’ my following posts will publish
specific details of discussions, meetings and letters relating to the
issues of Fairfield Uniting. There is no reason why anything
relating to what has happened, to me, my family and close friends
should be considered confidential. As embarrassing as it may be, for
me/us, it surely will be of more embarrassment to our leaders and
those of our community who have supported our church in complete
ignorance of the sinful undertone within. It is necessary to expose
Fairfield Uniting to the disinfection exposure provides.
Hopefully other
church leaders and Presbyteries - with issues similar to Fairfield
Uniting – may look at what will be revealed herein and, having done
so, will take a looong hard look at what damage they may be causing
to individual congregational members, their congregation and the
Uniting Church in general.
If it is the mission
of a Uniting Church congregation to follow the teachings of Christ,
support their members and congregations and to reach out to the
community radiating Christian behaviour then Fairfield Uniting is NOT
the example to follow.
A visitor or casual
observer, walking in to worship at Fairfield Uniting, will not notice
the hostile attitudes in play. Whilst projecting a congenial
outwards persona (and community involvement) it would take only a
short period of time for an astute observer to uncover some very
disappointing truths. If Fairfield Uniting ‘s ‘personality
profile’ fits, in any way, your congregation then please take
immediate steps to restore your church to one of faith, love, support
and outreach else you will go the route of Fairfield Uniting.
At the core of my
concern is a non-inclusive church: a church without a spiritual
heart, a church with an autocratic leadership whose ‘pastoral care
skills’ border on brutal. Over time, if you participate/follow my
‘conversation’ you will learn more about why that is so.
That said there is
one additional point I am going to make here which goes, some way, to
explaining how Fairfield Uniting ‘was allowed’ to descend to the
level of sinful decay it has. It has a lot to do with people ‘not
wanting to cause waves’: reasonable to a point but wrong if it
means bad practices are ignored, go un-challenged or are allowed to
propagate, to the degree they ultimately impact detrimentally on
individuals and the life and witness of the church. Locally that is
bad enough; however, it is made worse when those ‘higher in the
church’, for reasons best known to themselves, choose to ‘pass
by’, and not help when asked to do so.
This is precisely
what has happened and it has shaken my faith to its core. Simply
put, I can accept Fairfield Uniting’s problems are ‘self
generated’ and there is some considerable history but when
Presbytery, Synod and The Assembly are asked to help and don’t,
won’t or do not know how to, what hope do individuals in a
congregation have, whilst being bullied, to bring things back on
Let me give one
example of why I have made the statement I just have. Asking for help
I wrote, simultaneously, to the leaders of the top three tiers of The
Uniting Church of Australia. Two of those leaders have not responded
(even months later) not even to acknowledge the receipt of my letter.
One leader did respond but did so on the basis he believed “the
matter is being dealt with by…..”, continuing with “it is not
one in which the ….. should become involved”. Really – let me
think, think…..ing, think….ing ;-) what was that road to Jericho
story about…..?
So from this
‘beaten-up and damaged travellers’ point of view, I can only
conclude I/we must wait until a ‘good Samaritan’ appears ;-) or,
alternatively, a real leader can be found within the Uniting Church
in Australia who has conviction, the space in their heart and
schedule, who is prepared to step on to a very ugly plate, hold their
ground and, help and guide/lead a congregation which is failing in
its primary mission.
In closing (this
post): the ‘problem that is Fairfield Uniting’ has for a long
time been an ‘invisible’ problem of The Uniting Church in
Australia. It has been wrongly believed, by those who should know
better, Fairfield Uniting could be dealt with behind closed doors.
Flawed thinking which has empowered and facilitated the consolidation
of dictatorial rule within the congregation. Flawed thinking which
has meant many have been very deeply hurt and have walked away from
the church.
Fairfield Uniting
must change: in the absence of appropriate leadership and support
from the Uniting Church hierarchy or a ‘Samaritan’ this public
record may or may not provide, “through exposure to sunlight”,
what I am seeking but, what it will do, for the historic record, is
correctly apportion ‘the credit’ to those responsible.
R. P. Waddington.
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