Previously said, “In
my next post I will reveal a human story which will show how the
*sinful behaviour which has brought the bus to the state it is in has
directly impacted on individuals who rely on its availability.”
So, in this third
post I will follow through with that which I stated in the previous
post and present a brief story about the personal impact of our bus
not being used for its intended purpose.
What that story will
highlight is, yet again, of some embarrassment for the entire
congregation. The reason is because it show just how selective our
church leaders are in choosing who can and cannot worship at
Fairfield Uniting. It’s a power thing, who has what ‘rights’
at Fairfield Uniting.
An additional part
of this post, linked to peoples’ rights’ will also be outlined
and this component of the post will surely raise peoples hackles in
demonstrating just how entrenched are the cultures of bullying,
control, abuse and hypocrisy within portions of Fairfield Uniting’s
Now all of the
points above can be measured against the backdrop of a letter I have
previously referred to in the second post of this blog. The letter
Fairfield Uniting’s Church Councillors used to unjustifiable attack
my wife and who accuse me of “working against us”; “us”
being, of course, the current Fairfield Uniting Church’s Elder and
Church Councillors. The same people who, several times a day see and
watch as the church bus deteriorates in front of them: the very same
individuals who say I disrupt fellowship within our congregation.
Now let’s take
that very last point first (I disrupt fellowship within our
congregation) and detail what happened last Sunday (27July2014)
before and after the morning worship service. On entering the church
I was approached by a congregational member who asked if she could
speak with me after church; I replied “yes”. After the service
on the public footpath in front of the church I was again approached
by the same person who had made the earlier request and, was asked
had I come to “her place” and taken photos of the bus. She went
on to say that her neighbour had seen me and that I had no right to
do what I had done!
Now let’s take a
closer look at those statements: her neighbour* had told her she had
seen me and *she had; I did/do not deny that fact. I don’t know
the neighbour nor she me so how was the link to me made?
Furthermore, by that Sunday, the photos were already a part of this
blog as featured in the second posting.
But there is a more
sinister twist needing to be considered here; there was a very strong
suggestion I had go ‘on to her property’. This point was made
very aggressively several times during the confrontation. As you can
all see ‘the bus’ was on a public road, in full view and
accessible from all sides via public property!
The second part of
that comment is that I had “no right” to photograph the bus. And
there, in that part of her statement, you see an example of the
control and bullying to be found in Fairfield Uniting’s Church
congregation. The bus being property belonging to the church of
which I am a member, parked on a public road in a municipal area in
which I have resided for my entire 64 years and yet; I have no right
to be on that road photographing something of which is the property
of the ‘church community’ in which I belong; for almost the same
period of time. What does this say about Fairfield Uniting Church?
Is it a faith based ministry or a sect under the dictatorial control
of a few? It’s looking a lot more like that latter than the
But it gets worse.
I have indicated the approach was aggressive and it was: I did not
deny what I had done and have no reason to regret my actions (taking
the photos) and after the person had made her initial pronouncement
she continue to aggressively threaten me (in full view of the
congregation) repeatedly stating I had no right to go to her place
and that I should never go there again. Having made her point I
asked her to step away and when she did not and continued her tirade
I walked away. In doing so I was followed, the tirade and threats
continuing; I again asked her to step away and when she did not I
indicated I should go to the police and crossed the road to break off
the contact.
How many of you
attend church services which conclude with this type of ‘fellowship’?
Is it really me who is ‘disrupting’ the church? What level of
protection and or support did I get from the Elders and other Church
Councillors at the time of the confrontation or subsequently –
NONE! When you know who delivered the tirade you will also know why
not protection or support – for me!
Those events, of
last Sunday, will have a sequel!
Now, to the second
part of this post; a human story behind the un-availability of the
church bus.
As previously stated
the role of the church bus is to ferry those who are in need of
transport to and from church to be able to do so.
Picture if you will
a church congregational member who is severely disabled. A person
for whom mobility is an extremely difficult and slow process: someone
who should be able to count on being able to use/access a gift given
to his church for the express purpose of transporting people with the
Add to that picture
several components: one, this is person who, always with the
disability, has attended for many decades. Two, even with the
difficulties the person has, he did, for many years get himself to
and from church but, due to changing circumstances involving distance
this same person turned to using the amenity the church bus provided.
That later arrangement has been in place now for probably over ten
years. But it stopped, why? Well in part because of what you all
now know; Fairfield Uniting’s bus is parked, un-registered and
rotting on a public road.
Now the person I
have outlined is NOT the only person who was being transported
directly prior to the bus ‘becoming un-available’. His absence
was not un-noticed and as one would expect the Elders and Church
councillors would be right on top of a situation like this and
arrange alternative transport? You know, go and pick the person up
themselves and or announce or ask other congregational members if
they could do so. That’s what you would expect: except as
situations like this are under the CONTROL of Fairfield Uniting’s
Elders and councillors it’s not what happens. But to be fair he
did get mentioned, as not always being able to ‘attend’, in
prayers, uttered by an Elder. Was he sick, choosing not come, or had
he other commitments (?); some of us wondered.
After nearly six
weeks I took it upon myself to visit him. Why the time span you
might ask and, a reasonable question it is. We do have Elders in
which we should be able to trust, we did have a minister who could
well have been following through. But in the main, being honest,
with the disquiet rife in a congregation did we want to lift the lid
off and expose yet another example of the dysfunctional nature of
Fairfield Uniting Church. That is, of course, is what has happened;
our dysfunction is once again exposed and, it’s a disturbingly
nasty thing which has been exposed!
In my visitation I
was told the reason the person was not attending was because the bus
had (told to them by a church councillor**) ‘broken down, was not
working’ and that when it was fixed (at the end of the month) he
would again be picked-up. Well we now know ‘not working’ is
another way of saying un-registered and ‘end of the month’ was
probably very ‘optimistic’ to say the least.
But, as with
everything to do with Fairfield Uniting nothing is without a twist
and, here is the twist in this story. Other congregational members,
who were being transported up to the point the bus became
un-available, broken down, not working and un-registered continue to
be picked-up in the private cars of none other than church
councillors! Oh dear! Why has one person only, who with the
terrible infliction he lives with and who has demonstrated, through
his perseverance and effort, his enormous depth of faith, been so
appallingly treated by our church, Fairfield Uniting? And this is
not the first time.
The fellow I have
just talked about can barely walk but, given the opportunity, took it
and came to church last week, transported in a private car. He made
the effort, but many long term congregational members have given up
and walked away from our congregation because of its management, our
Elders and Church Councillors; the same people who accuse me of
disrupting the fellowship of Fairfield Uniting.
There is yet another
twist – after all it is Fairfield Uniting’s Elders and Church
Councillors who have now been found ‘wanting’ in this case of
‘discrimination’. In the church hall, after the morning service,
my wife was approached – by a **church councillor - about the fact
the ‘person’ had been picked-up and asked why it had been done.
She answered and, he continued with the question, was the arrangement
going to continue. When he was told it would he was clearly
‘un-happy’; why, you might ask? The answer, of course, lays
embedded not in the phrase ‘service to others’ but in the phrase
What more do I need
to say to convince the Uniting Church in Australia’s hierarchy as
to why I have asked for their help only to watched as they just pass
In the next post
more about control as the primary Pastoral Care tool exercised at
Fairfield Uniting Church.
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