Sunday 26Apr'2015
log entry for Fairfield Uniting Church as one of its disciples
mutinies :-(
On the previous Sunday
previous Mr. D. Tweed was heard to be yelling at me from quite a
distance, as I walked away, “to come back and fix it”. His
reference was about my car being parked in front of Fairfield Uniting
Church – on a public road. As you may have already gleaned from
this blog the leaders of Fairfield Uniting have it in their heads it
is they who control the public/street parking in the City of
Fairfield; just as they believe, it is only they who decide who can
attend the Fairfield Uniting Church.
Not to be outdone by
his father, Mr. G Tweed took it upon himself this morning to, whilst
standing on the Church steps to loudly berate me over an extended
period. Not content with that little performance he also chose to
drag other – church attendees – into his tirade in much the same
way as Ms. Solifoni did when delivering her morning-tea tirade.
Which is, in turn, a reflection of how we can imagine the Pharisees
worked the crowd in front of Pontius Pilate.
What was today about? MONEY. Mr. G. Tweed put on his appalling public spectacle over
MONEY! MONEY for a fine levied on Fairfield Uniting Church by the
State of NSW for a breach of the law by Leaders of Fairfield Uniting
Church. Because of the leaders breach
Mr. G. Tweed wants to levy the entire blame on me! Mr. G. Tweed is
so focused on - the – MONEY and, finding someone else to blame, he
has completely and totally discounted what attracted the fine in the
first place.
MONEY corrupts in
varying ways. Mr. G Tweed's event is a prize example of how corrupt
– spiritually – is the thinking being radiated from within
Fairfield Uniting Church. That is also one reason why this blog
exists. To record, for posterity, just how deep Fairfield Uniting
Church has sunk in its spiritual journey and how that loss of
spirituality and grace is taking individuals, and the congregation,
in a very disappointing and treacherous direction.
For a moment, putting
the underlying reason(s) for today’s event aside. Think for a
minute reader, as you picture in your mind, the vision of a Fairfield
Uniting Church member (flanked by one other) standing on their Church
steps loudly berating an individual standing on the public footpath
outside that same CHURCH. What does that say about what those who
attend that CHURCH stand for?
It is so terribly sad
to witness Fairfield Uniting Church slipping deeper and deeper away
from its primary purpose and goal to be a gracious CHRISTian
If CHRIST returned
tomorrow, to Fairfield Uniting Church;
- where should he park?
- would he be welcome?
- should he have
witnessed Mr. G. Tweeds extended outburst what would he have said and
or done?
Mr. G. Tweed do you
think what you did today was what CHRIST would have wanted you to do?