No! “there's not enough!”
Log entry for Fairfield Uniting Church
Sunday morning 21st June 2015. The disappointment and
disappointing actions continue. Just what is going on in these
peoples minds?
The morning service printed Order of
Services had just arrived, in the church foyer, and were about to be
folded when I ask (the person folding) “could I have two of those
please”. “No, there's not enough!” I was, quite curtly, told
by another, none other than Mrs. P. Tweed. With little more to say,
about more of the same, I left: but not without feeling quite sad for
those two individuals. Again we witnessed, yet another, openly
public display of just how far away the Fairfield Uniting leadership
has moved from its primary function – witnessing and winning souls
The primary person in this story is a
person I have known for over 60 years. Mrs. P. Tweed is some years
older and a person I once respected. She was one (of her generation)
who was key in teaching me the principles by which I believe I
would/will be measured* and, ultimately judged.
*Therein is embedded the problem which
the current Congregation, Elders/Church Councillors, Reverends Choi
and Kava, Presbytery and the wider Uniting Church need to face up
too. Those fundamental CHRISTian principles, we were taught as young
people, are no longer followed or practiced by the very individuals
who taught them. Were those principles of value or just words and
fiction? That was a question I needed to answer, for myself, some time
ago and they are what directs my approach and public criticism.
Indeed, the problem is not just that
those individuals are not practicing what they preached; they are
also leading others to follow their (now) changed and distorted view
of what is right. They are openly attacking the principles of
Christianity as well as those who dare to speak out/up. In doing so,
with each disappointing act, they further expose the discrimination
and the hypocrisy which has become an entrenched feature of Fairfield
Uniting Church, its leadership and its mission.
Those two pieces of printed paper were
quite insignificant items but the sentiment with which they were
denied is anything but insignificant. There may have been “not
enough” Order of Services but what was more evident and ultimately
more important, in that act of denial, Mrs. P. Tweed denied Jesus an
opportunity of outreach. Which leads to a more important question;
what is the primary mission of Fairfield
Uniting Church?
Christianity stands for an abundance
of....., there is always enough (of)....., and it should never be
denied; they are not choices CHRISTians' were tasked to make or
enforce. You and Fairfield Uniting Church either follow Jesus or it
and you don't! Therefore;
- is Fairfield Uniting Church a place
of worship, love and forgiveness
open to all.....?
- is Fairfield Uniting Church, its
Elders and Church Councillors working for the Lord and the
salvation of others or are they working for.....?
Pray, the hearts and minds of the
Fairfield Uniting Congregation, its leaders and Ministers will be
made aware of their treacherous position and pray they will return to
a path where their thoughts and actions reflect the will of the Lord
and our Saviour.
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